Thursday, March 2


wondering IF i put it away in one of the bins ..

oh well.. i have OTHER knitting i can take to Herndon & Enfield this weekend :)
found 4 books for dishcloths and LOTS of cotton .. various brands AND weights .. got needles so, when i return, we will have a few MORE dishcloths .. bringing some of the cotton chenille to make a FACEcloth for the Bottle Swap Partner
gotta felt the hat .. it is s'posed to be cold in Ct .. :(

AND had friends over for dinner last nite ( good excuse to clean part of the house - my bedroom is a lost cause 'til i get the yarn dealt with ) had FUN!!

AND another friend, the PYRO, told me she is coming to Indy in a few weeks for a few days .. i happen to be off told Eric he can cook dinner for her .. hopin there are yarn stores open when she comes down ( the new one on 82nd st ?? ) for us to visit ..

currently, Eric is passing Defiance Ohio, on his way to Toledo to visit friends ..
told him IF he wants me to knit sox for him, he has to go buy the yarn ..

i have to run errands & pay bills, so i am getting offline
when i return, i hafta FELT the hat, re-do my nails & finish packing ..
the room can wait till i return on Mon ...
GOTTA knit sometime .. :)

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