Tuesday, February 27

it WAS a fluke

i made chili
it was easy
i didn't have an accident of ANY magnitude
it was not only edible,
it was downright tasty
on the tail of yesterday's cooking experience
i went to wally*world
had to get a bigger "BOTTLE" for the partner
bought more chili stuff
this time i bought 2 different
(than yesterday) kinds of beans
the first batch
i overcooked
the black bean chili is REALLY dry
then i overcooked the hamboiger for the red beans
i ended up
taking out a serving of the red
adding the too dry black into the red
cooking for a few minutes
dividing it up
in the future
i will buy a variety of beans
to keep in the cupboard
when i make chili
i will make a bigger batch so i
don't have to cook AS often
and there is a lesser chance of overcooking
bought raspberry newtons
while i was there
haven't seen them in a while
wanted the cranberry trail
mix w/chocolate
but they were out
so i wandered the cookie aisle
chocolate cookies didn't look good
i am off to finish assembling the "BOTTLE"
so that tomoro i can mail it
tomoro is knitting @ Strange Brew
i will be able to make it
i hope i can find something to knit
yeah right ... JUST kidding
will probably take the English Garden bag
it's almost mindless knitting at this stage
OR i mite take a dishcloth to knit
then i can put it in the "BOTTLE"
will decide in the morning
crap ..
it's almost 10 o'clock
no wonder i am tired
maybe i will go to bed

1 comment:

Knit'inCrazee.... said...

Your trail mix sounds good as do the newtons.What aisle are the trail mixes in?

Have fun at the knitting gathering.

Off to work for me...