Friday, April 28

Debbie the "TEMPTRESS" Barisa's pattern

i want to make this pattern

It's a Plymouth Yarn pattern #P556

Felted Argyle Bag

it was designed by my friend, the "TEMPTRESS" Debbie Barisa

she is known as the "TEMPTRESS" because she finds thing for me to do

i didn't know i NEEDED to make them until she showed me ..

then i realize ...

i HAVE to make it ..

she knws me TTTTTOOOOO well


she is ALSO known as the "FELTING GODDESS"

i want to use Karoke instead of Galway

for the body, i will use Logenberry # 287

for the Diamonds, i wanted to use #278 Mermaid Mix,

but couldn't find enuff

would REALLY like to use #299 Splash OR # 300 Dipity

IF you have somehow made it thru life NOT knowing about the yarn

it is 50% wool & 50% Soy Silk

a product derived from the liquid extruded from the processing of Soy Beans ..

it is FABULOUS yarn to work with ...

when done, it will be MOST EXCELLANT

it will become the bag i carry all summer

thanks Debbie for once again,

throwing down the gauntlet to expand my horizon ..

i sometimes think, she knows me better than i know myself ...

i am slightly bummed i can't start the bag NOW!!!!

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