Wednesday, August 30

LOST my brain :(

my hair is growing

yeah, i KNOW i gotta adjust the roots before i go to work on Sat

anyways ...

i bought hair combs so that it would stay OUT of my facel

last nite, i took them out & have NO clue where i put them


anyways, while i was @ the store buying food,

i bought

HOW could i forget i HATE cooked spinach

i LOVE raw spinach

anyways ... i ate a bite

THEN, i remembered i HATE cooked spinach

altho, i LOVE spinach lasagna & it's cooked

so, i bought

chicken breasts - with chicken broth NOT salt water

brown & white Batsami rice

found the white @ the first store, brown @ the 2nd

eggs & fat-free mayo for tuna salad

crackers & Brownberry Health Nut bread to eat it on


STOP LIGHT peppers ( Red, Yellow & Green)

Orange Peppers

Limes (4/$1)&Lemons ($0.20 ea)&maple syrup

so, i won't be drinkin' pop

forgot sweet potatoes & yogurt

i can get them tomoro OR fri

IF i could get off the computer,

i could exercise OR knit

gotta unpack, do laundry, RE-pack

cook food for NOW & to take with

weighed in @ 180

the walking with the FA & Cpt worked

1 comment:

Kathie said...

Just me Cathy.. trying to learn HTML.. Love your blog.. I wanna have a beautiful blog like you.. Hope you can get to mine this way...Thanks for your help!
Ernesto isn't so bad.. just a bit soggy right now!
Kathie in Fl