Sunday, January 28

it's 10 PM .. am i packed ?

yeah rite
i always start to pack & get sidetracked
so i decided
IF i pack the Bjork
i won't have room for workout clothes
i have picked up 5 of the pounds i lost
so workout clothes WILL go into the bag
alread have contacts AND allergy meds packed
i started a pair of Pink Sox for Valentines Day
i got stumped on what to knit
so i put them down
i was driving to Wally World when it HIT me
X & O
now i gotta graph 'em & see IF i can make it work
can what i see in my head be converted so that
my hands can create it with yarn
we shall see
i am on WhoDuKnit
you read a book & knit something that
correlates with the book
Feb is Nora Roberts "Northern Lights"
the KAL is an entrelac scarf
got the book, had to go to THREE stores to find it
found UMPTEEN books by Nora Roberts
will decide on the yarn Fri or Mon when i
go to LYS
anyways, there is someone on the list that lives
meet someone that knits & reads
yeah, yeah
i am procrastinating again
gotta pack clothes
fix a nail
cut my toenails
see IF the pants fit .. yet
it is gonna be kkkkoooolllllllldddddddd
i think i want pants NOT a dress to wear
so, what to knit
maybe dishcloths
got lots of patterns
have yarn & needles
maybe finish the Flowers i started
need 2 leaves & finish the Iris
then i could FELT the whole
kit-n-kaboodle when i get home thur nite or fri

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