Thursday, May 3


i am in 2 dishcloth swaps NOW
gotta find out info about 2nd partner
KNOW the pattern i want
well .. sort of
want a circular cloth
don't have the right color for one
so, had to go BUY it yesterday on the errand run

Hobby Lobby will NOT honor other coupons
you can ONLY use one - a - day
if you come back in
the will NOT let you use it

guess i won't be spending much Money in THEIR
store again

anyways .. finished the yellow one
will toss it in the yarn drawer

bought some Cotton - Linen blend
wanna try IT for cloths

googled circular dishcloths
found several
a few of them HAVE to be knit on DPS or 2 circs
wish i knew that when i was @ Hobby Lobby
they have Balene DPS

oh well
i mite go back later in the month
will use another pattern for now

off to adjust the roots
won't need much for clothes
workout clothes
NOT leaving the hotel
get a NEW hotel in Atlanta
hope they have a decent workout room
they have a TERRIFIC breakfast
meeting Deb on Sat
WHO -HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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