Thursday, May 17

people can be RUDE!! -- yup -- a RANT!!

the whole thing with kids
i am almost 50
people ask
do you have kids,
usually followed up by
1) HOW selfish not to have had kids
2) is there something wrong with you
(selfish is emplyed)
had a captain ask not too long ago
with the inference that i was too selfish to have a kid
i told him that according to the BIBLE
children were a blessing in a marriage
meaning I am unmarried, so i should NOT have kids
this is NOT to say
that deeply religious couples necessarily have
a multitude of kids
i have a friend that can't have kids
i told her, before you put your body, mind & spirit
not to mention sanity & monetary resources
thru fertility testing
make sure it's something you BOTH want
the expense will add stress to the situation
the tests are EXTREMELY invasive & personal
it is costly - $12000 is about the norm
so, now when someone asks
do you have kids
before they get a chance for ANYthing else
i tell them the BLUNT truth
i was pregnant twice
they were both tubals
i lost both my tubes
3 so called "SPECIALISTS" & $15000
and i still couldn't get pregnant
i guess that GOD doesn't want me to be a mom
it shuts them up
in many cases
the pilots never ask me anything again
it's a subject that keeps coming up
in alot of cases
people decide since i didn't have children
i CHOSE it
basically, GOD made the decison
i have to live with it
mostly, i am ok with it
so, before you go making a snide remark when
you see a woman/couple without kids
about the selfishness of being childless
GOD has a plan for each of us
NOT all of us were created to be a parent
it doesn't make sence that some of the parents
on this earth
are lousy & should NOT have been allowed to

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