Friday, May 18


joined the May Book Swap on

this will be the first swap on this list
LOVE Nora Roberts / JD Robb
Monica Ferris
Maggie Sefton

i read
i only work to support my addictions

i am a flight attendant
if i stay home
i feel compelled to do housework & stuff like that
so, since i leave & stay away from home
i get to knit & read

My Wish List

My favorite authors - Nora Roberts, Mary & Carol Higgins Clark, Maggie Sefton ( read ALL 4 of them) Mnica Ferris, started the series again
My hobbies - i knit
My favorite books - UMMMMM
My books I want to read - the rest of the Crewel World series, The Bad Hair Mysteries by Nancy Cohen ??
My books I don't like....
My favorite type - Sci-fi, mystery .. KNITTING
My favorite colors - Blue / green (in combo) Purple, Magenta, HOT Pink, Teal
My allergies - HOUSEWORK!!!
My favorite pets - none
My favorite scents - pumpkin pie, apple cobbler, Chanel # 19
Other stuff about me - too little time

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