Thursday, October 19

as i get ready to fly again

the stocking for whenever and the bag for let's bag it are on their way
i HOPE they get there in a timely fashion
they SHOULD be there by Mon

stuff i mailed before i left & was supposed to arrive by Sat 14th
still is lost in postal limbo

found a few items for the partner for the Bottle Swap made them generic
since the partners haven't been assigned

i am packed,
except for the knitting
wanna finish the pockets so i can start the purse
i DO have Gracies's stocking with me

gotta string beads on it before i go too much further

gotta frog the short row bag because one side has
7 ridges = 14 rows less than it should
so when i get home, i will FROG !!!!

there won't be much knitting till maybe sun
gonna have lunch with a friend on the 2+ hour sit in
Atlanta tomoro
and we are going to the zoo on Sat ..
i mite get to knit later in the evening ..
who knows
anyways ...
bags are packed
well ... NOT lunch bag
think i need a nap
so i am calling it a day

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