Friday, October 13


got to hold Jameson
he is tiny

while it was snowing yesterday,
it was WINDY ..
Brayden told me it was toooo
windy for me to come home to Indy
they are so cute
it's a shame they are 2 hours away
i could visit MORE often
spent the evening with the younger brother & youngest nephew
it ws good to see the family
gotta address the postcards & send them to the munchkins
will work on buying MORE postcards
maybe i will have time while i am in Moline to send
one to them
gotta run errands, pay bills
buy panty hose & FOOD to take tomoro
gonna go to Austin
it's 59 in Austin
better look @ the weather channel before i pack
need to have appropriate clothes in case we go OUT of the hotel
never flew with ANY of the crew
met the Cpt in Atlanta
gonna look for Tony Bennett's Duet CD
i am EXCITED!!!!!!
Meat Loaf has NEW CD coming out
when ELSE
which as it turns out
Gracie does NOT like

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